Update Assessment | Civic Space in Armenia

This update of the in-depth assessment (initially developed in 2021) was produced within the scope of the European Union (EU)- funded project “Resilient Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Region”, implemented by People in Need (PIN). The project aims to strengthen the role of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) as resilient, inclusive and trusted governance actors advancing the democratization process in the Eastern Partnership region. It targets a range of grassroots and emerging CSOs that demonstrate a clear commitment to:
- Representing right-holders needs and are oriented on achieving real changes that benefit their constituencies.
- Values of peace, freedom, equal rights, human dignity, accountability, and transparency in their work.
The document provides a brief context analysis for the period 2021–2023, detailing the developments and trends within the civil society landscape. Following the context analysis, the document presents survey data and key informant interview findings that align with the assessment aims. Each section concludes with tailored recommendations for the project implementation team, addressing the unique needs and challenges identified for CSOs in Armenia.