SUITCASE 2024 Annual Journalism Award

Published: Oct 4, 2024 Reading time: 2 minutes
SUITCASE 2024 Annual Journalism Award
© Photo: MCS

The Migration and Citizenship Service of Armenia (MCS), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the People in Need (PIN) INGO carry on the tradition of the SUITCASE Annual Media Contest.

Eligible materials include:

  • Printed / online articles in the press / blogs / news websites
  • Online journalistic videos
  • Online radio stories, podcasts
  • Online / printed photo galleries with human-interest story pictures

The materials can cover one or more of the following groups of people and/or topics:

  • Migration processes. trends, border crossing, industry analysis
  • Immigration flows. residence statuses, trends and integration
  • Labor migration, emigration flows from Armenia, problems of the sector
  • Return and reintegration
  • Forcibly displaced people from Nagorno Karabakh. status, documentation processes, integration, industry issues
  • Asylum seekers, refugees. their participation in the life of the host community
  • Stateless persons
  • RA-EU visa liberalization process
  • Irregular migration to the EU, its prevention and consequences.

NB: Please note that media materials developed in the frame of any grant project, on a fee-for-service basis, will be considered ineligible and shall not be considered. 

The submitted materials will be evaluated by the Jury, and the winners of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be announced at the closing ceremony in December 2024.

The materials must be submitted by 23:59, 1 December 2024, to e-mail account along with the following mandatory information:

  • The author's (authors’) name(s) and surname(s), phone number(s), e-mail address(es).
  • Date of publication, link to the source, additional justification of the authorship (if the applicant deems necessary), name of the media outlet.

In case of questions please contact us at +374 94 738 454 (Ani) or +374 93 253 151 (Ofelya)

Suitcase 2024 Journalism Award is aimed at motivating high-quality thematic media coverage. Since 2010, by encouraging the production of professional and high-quality media content on the processes relating to refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, returnees, and migrants in Armenia, we aim to inspire journalists to apply more comprehensive, accurate and impartial approaches in covering displacement and migration topics.

Suitcase 2024 is co-funded by the European Union, through the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF), and by UNHCR Armenia.


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