© Photo: People in Need

Currently, we're working mainly with civil society and governmental actors, assisting people facing difficult situations due to conflicts and poverty.

Focusing on Civil Society & Inclusive Governance, we aim to support civil society's engagement with government actors to advance participatory democratic processes and develop inclusive public services. Our focus is on enhancing migration management. We intend to ensure the successful integration of those returning to Armenia as well as individuals migrating from other countries. We are actively involved in developing and improving migration and integration policies. Concurrently, we are working to fortify social services within communities in the Syunik region, contributing to establishing a more resilient social protection system. Since 2016, we have also assisted voluntarily returned migrants from France with their reintegration.

In the Emergency Response & Recovery sector, we direct our efforts towards aiding those forced to leave their homes, particularly in the aftermath of the Nagorno-Karabakh displacement since 2020. Our assistance includes humanitarian aid, psychological support, and the establishment of child-friendly spaces. Simultaneously, displaced individuals can participate in vocational education training courses and specialise in various fields. We are also extending support to families affected by the Ukrainian war, focusing on providing social and business assistance to facilitate their integration into their new environments.

Our involvement in Armenia goes way back. We started assisting after the 1988 Spitak earthquake, and in the 1990s, we provided humanitarian aid during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. These events marked the beginning of our work in Armenia. In 2003, we officially established our office here. Since then, we've carried out numerous projects and initiatives, including supporting community development in areas like economic integration and job creation, business support, rural tourism, migration, civic education, and youth empowerment to promote human rights. 

Read about our current project in the OUR WORK section. 
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