Maghanjugh (Aygedzor): A Blast into Syunik’s Almost Forgotten Past

Published: Aug 6, 2020 Reading time: 1 minute

No village is ever built with the intent of abandonment. Unfortunately, a few villages in Syunik were left to succumb to nature during the Soviet-era and picturesque Maghanjugh was one of them. This is a recap of our time visiting Aygedzor (Maghanjugh’s current name).

Maghanjugh is the ancient name of the village (also spelled Maghanjuk or Maghanjur). The current name and name in modern times was Aygedzor.

Maghanjugh (Aygedzor): A Blast into Syunik’s Almost Forgotten Past
© Photo: Shushanik Nersesyan

The historic village of Maghanjugh has many surviving monuments from ancient times that current make this one of the great places to explore in Armenia for those that love abandoned places.

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Aram and Megan - Absolute Armenia team, hiked in the new Legends Trail and shared their experience.

*The visit to Aygedzor was in collaboration with the EU Delegation to Armenia and People in Need Armenia within the "EU4Tourism: Outdoor adventures on the historic trails in Syunik" project. 

Author: Absolute Armenia