Helping people suffering from the September attacks in Armenia

Published: Feb 27, 2023 Reading time: 2 minutes
Immediate support to the vulnerable population in Armenia; while focusing on displaced people, hosting families, and vulnerable individuals who stayed in their villages during the conflict. As a result of a new wave of attacks on the sovereign territory of Armenia in September 2022, 7,600 individuals have been displaced from the regions of Gegharkunik, Vayots Dzor, and Syunik.
© Photo: Shushanik Nersesyan

The Bakunts family living in Verishen, Goris, is one of the thousands suffering as a result of the attacks on the sovereign territory of Armenia in September 2022. Due to health issues, Zoya was at the hospital on explosion night. Three generations of Bakunts live together. Luckily her three grandchildren were also not at home at the time of the explosion: Zoya's husband, Rafik, their grandfather, managed to hide them in the basement. He says he heard a loud voice and immediately understood what was happening. At first, he thought that the mortar bomb fell on their house, then it turned out that it fell on a neighbour's, says Rafik pointing to the damage.

The windows of the Bakunts house were broken. They have already been repaired to withstand the winter cold. Rafik says that Mariam, one of his grandchildren, did not believe his explanation that a strong wind broke the window.

The Salbunts family is another of those affected. They live in Akner, Goris. Although restoration has begun, the damage to their house is still apparent. Edgar lives in this house with his wife and parents. They were also woken up by the sound of gunfire on the night of September 12-13 and managed to hide in the basement. As soon as they left the house, a mortar bomb fell on their house. The roof was burnt, the floor was holed, the windows were broken, and a fire broke out in one of the rooms.

Thanks to the European Union humanitarian aid-funded "Rapid emergency response to the conflict-affected population of Armenia" project, People in Need is helping the affected local, displaced, and vulnerable families by subsidising 60,000 AMD [€140] for their utility costs and providing cash in the Syunik, Vayots Dzor, and Gegharkunik regions for winter needs.

Beneficiaries are selected in cooperation with the municipalities and the Unified Social Service, families of people killed or injured in the war, people whose homes were damaged or lost, single older people, families with four or more children, people with disabilities or people living in caravans are considered a priority. Within the project, PIN has supported about 1000 families.

The "Rapid emergency response to the conflict-affected population of Armenia" project is implemented by PIN in consortium with ACTED and with EU humanitarian funding. 

Autor: Shushanik Nersesyan

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