Addressing the needs of a conflict-affected population in Armenia

Published: May 24, 2023 Reading time: 2 minutes
Within the framework of the ‘REACT: Relief and Early Recovery for People Affected by Conflict in Armenia project’ funded by European Union humanitarian aid, ACTED has remained committed to addressing the age and gender related needs of the conflict-affected population to. The REACT project was led by ‘People in Need’ in consortium with ACTED, the Armenian Association of Social Workers, and the Mission Armenia.
Addressing the needs of a conflict-affected population in Armenia
© Photo: Shushanik Nersesyan

Through voucher assistance, ACTED has supported 6,800 individuals. Over 5,000 beneficiaries residing in Gegharkunik, Lori, Tavush, Shirak, Aragatsotn, Vayots Dzor, and the Syunik regions have received food vouchers, and about 1,700 beneficiaries residing in Gegharkunik, Lori, Tavush, Shirak, and Aragatsotn regions have benefited from clothing and shoe vouchers.

The project focused on providing aid to vulnerable and socially marginalized groups, including, but not limited to, families with small children, elderly people, extended family, pregnant and/or lactating women, and persons with disabilities. In most cases, those benefited from the project included individuals living in households with a combination of these vulnerabilities.

Over the course of the project, the vouchers helped more than 21 local markets and 10 clothing or shoe shops increase their functionalities. The vouchers were able to do this by injecting cash into a local economy that was under economic pressure, supporting communities during difficult times, and promoting the sustainability of the project.

Within the project, ACTED also developed referral mechanism guidelines to establish links with the services and assistance provided by stakeholders outside the project consortium. In total, 1,798 referrals have been made within and outside the project, 69% of which have been successful.

In addition, ACTED conducted service mapping among key actors in the humanitarian assistance field. As a result of the mapping exercise, a report has been compiled and shared with key actors in the field.

Author: ACTED

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